10 Health Benefits You Can Gain From Cassava (Jamaican Bammy)

What I did not know about Jamaican Bammy for instance it can help with weightloss and Migraines!

jamaican bammy 10 health benefits
What is Jamaican Bammy?

I have found myself looking back at some of the specially prepared dishes my granma and mum use to prepare to find out if there was any nutritional benefits to them or just trandition.

One of the dishes I remember was fried fish served with Bammy, I found it hard to chew but my grandad and dad seemed to enjoy it immencely.

So what is Bammy?

I found out that it is made from Cassava flour which is made from a root vegitable.

Cassava also call Manihot esculenta

Cassava or scientifically called Manihot esculenta is a type of vegetable root or tubers. Cassava is a food source that is rich in nutrients. Although there are not many devotees.

The carbohydrate content in the tuber is so high that it is third, after rice and corn. Because it has health benefits, cassava is a staple food in various developing countries.

A warning about the process

However, the wrong processing of cassava can reduce its nutritional value because vitamins, minerals, fiber, and starch tend to disappear when cooking.

Cassava in it’s raw state must be cooked properly before consumption, otherwise cassava can cause acute poisoning because of the naturally occurring cyanide content in the raw state.

If not prepared properly, tubers that are rich in carbohydrates can even cause paralysis or death.

With that said, I recommend it is better to buy the flour or flat bread instead of trying to make your own!

Nutrient content in cassava

The most effective way to maintain the health benefits of cassava and the nutritional value of cassava is to boil it.

The nutritional value of cassava for a dose of 100 grams of tuber contains 160 calories of energy, 0.3 g of fat, thiamine 0.087 mg, riboflavin 0.048 ml, niacin 0.854 mg, vitamin B6 0.088 mg, iron 0.27 mg, and zinc 0 , 34 mg

Other nutrients in cassava are as follows: 38.1g carbohydrates, 1.7g sugar, 1.8g food fiber, 1.4g protein, 60g water 27mcg folate 20.6mg vitamin C 16mg calcium 21mg magnesium 27mg phosphorus 271 potassium 14mg sodium.

10 Health Benefits Obtained

The health benefits of cassava are rich in calories, carbohydrates and iron as a good source of energy.

Incorporating cassava into a controlled healthy diet menu has turned out to have many positive effects on health. 

1. Cassava loses Your weight

Cassava which is rich in dietary fiber is the right choice if you can’t wait to lose weight.

Cassava can make you feel full for a longer period of time. Thus reducing the need to constantly snack on food so as to suppress weight gain.

2. Cassava cures migraines

The presence of vitamin B2 and riboflavin in tubers is useful for curing headaches and migraines. Eating cassava can help reduce constant migraine attacks.

The trick is to take 60 grams of roots or cassava leaves and soak them in water for 2 hours then make the juice. This will reduce the severity of your migraine.

3. Cassava improves digestive health

As mentioned above, cassava is rich in dietary fiber which is very beneficial for the body and its function.

Insoluble fiber helps in improving your digestive system by absorbing all the poisons stored in your intestine, and also by reducing inflammation in your digestive tract.

4. Cassava treats diarrhea

The antioxidant properties of the roots can help overcome flaccid stools.

If you suffer from diarrhea, boil the roots in water for one hour and consume them.

This will help to get rid of bacteria that cause stomach problems and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea as well.

5. Cassava improves vision

One of the other main benefits of cassava is that it is beneficial to your eye health.

Consumption of controlled cassava can help your body with the vitamins and minerals needed.

Filled with vitamin A content, cassava can help improve your vision, it can also prevent blindness or poor vision.

6. Cassava heals wounds

The whole cassava plant, namely the stems, leaves and roots are all useful in treating wounds.

Roots can help prevent wounds from becoming infected and speed healing.

7. Cassava cures fever

Cassava can be used to treat mild fever.

When boiled together with cassava leaves, it increases the ability to relieve fever. You can make potions from both of them and drink them to reduce your body temperature.

8. Cassava cleanses worms

Eating cassava can help relieve nematode lice in your stomach and intestines. Cassava roots help remove worms in your intestines and provide assistance.

9. Cassava increases appetite

Carbohydrates and fiber in cassava play an important role in regaining your appetite.

If you feel weak and have no appetite, maybe for emotional or physical reasons, try putting a few pieces of cassava into your menu.

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10. Cassava increases energy

Because cassava is rich in carbohydrates, edible tubers are very useful in instantly increasing your energy.

This helps improve the functioning of your brain and supplies energy.

How to cook Jamaican Bammy

Visit cooklikeajamican.com for more info

Preparation time 15m

Cooking time 15m

1 or 2 Packs of Jamaican Bammy

Jamaican Bammy is best described as a flat bread. It is traditionally eaten with Ackee and Saltfish,  Calaloo, steamed or fried fish.

There are two quick and easy ways to prepare bammy: Toasted in an oven or fried in hot oil. It’s a delicious gluten-free substitute for bread with your meal.


1. Soaking: In a shallow dish soak 2 bammy in 1/2 cup of coconut milk or salted water. Pour half the liquid over bammy; flip bammy and pour the rest of the liquid; let stand for about 5 minutes. Note if you are using canned coconut milk dilute milk 50:50 with water

2. Toasting: Broil both sides of bammy until toasted. Cut open and spread inside with butter while still hot

3. Frying: Fry both sides of bammy in hot oil until golden brown. Cut in quarters

Great for Vegitarians

Vegetarian Recipe

• 1 packet(s) Grace Coconut Milk Powder

• 2 1/2 cup(s) water

• 2 stalk(s) escallion

• 3 clove(s) garlic

• 2 medium carrots

• 3 whole bammies

• 6 large okras

• 2 sprig(s) thyme

• 6 whole pimento berries

• 1 small green scotch bonnet pepper

• 1 packet(s) Grace Cock Soup Mix

Vegetarian Steamed Bammy Directions

• Rehydrate Grace Coconut Milk Powder with water and bring to a boil.

• Beat escallion, chop garlic, dice carrot, cut each bammy into 4 pieces and okras in halves.

• Add seasoning and carrots and steam for about 5 minutes then add bammies and okra.

• Sift in seasoning from the Grace Cock Soup Mix.

• Stir well, cover and steam for a further 10 minutes.

Where to buy online

This is what the pack looks like. There are 2 flatbreaded in each pack


You can also shop on amazon.

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