Monthly Archives: March 2012

Developing and Maintaining a Succession Plan

Get qualified in days not years!

by Diane Shawe M.Ed

A 1 day Business Succession Planning  training course can be incredibly beneficial to any SME organisation.

Change is a hallmark of today’s business world. In particular, our workforce is constantly changing – people come and go, and move into new roles within the company. Succession planning can help you make the most of that change by ensuring that when someone leaves, there is someone new to take their place.

It is surprising that from a one day  workshop we could  help you learn or teach your staff:

  • The value of succession planning for successful businesses.
  • The key elements of a succession plan in terms of roles, responsibility, function, scope, and evaluation.

Introduction and Course Overview

First you will have an opportunity to identify your personal learning objectives and then we would cover the following areas.

1 day intense workshop lesson Plan:

A Need for Succession Planning

To begin, participants will explore the differences between succession planning and replacement hiring, including some of the advantages of succession planning.

Defining a Succession Plan

This session introduces the SUCCESS acronym, which defines the succession plan process that the remainder of the course will focus on.

Pre-Assignment Review

Next, participants will use information gathered in their pre-assignment to identify the critical people in their organization.

Identifying Resources and Analysing Risks

This session will give participants some tools to identify internal and external successors. We will also look at a sample risk assessment.

Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Functions

During this session, participants will start creating risk assessments, individualized engagement plans, and succession plan profiles.

Gathering Information

This session will help participants identify ways to look within their own organizations and determine what the critical positions are.

Forecasting Needs

There are six key ingredients to being able to forecast what people you will need when. Participants will explore each item in small groups. Participants will also learn about the role of coaching and mentoring.

Putting the Plan Together

Next, participants will learn about using Appreciative Inquiry and Leadership Quality Assessments to develop a succession plan.

Putting the Plan into Action

During this session, participants will explore the idea of phased implementation. We will also look at using technology to facilitate putting the plan into action.

Evaluating and Reviewing the Plan

This session will look at the importance of evaluation. Participants will also work on modifying an evaluation check list to suit their organization’s needs.

How can you enrol?

It’s simple you can just click here and select if you would like to do the course on-line or attend one of our fast track workshops.