Can thick heavy hair cause headaches? By Diane Shawe

Yes, very thick hair can sometimes contribute to headaches, especially if it’s pulled tightly or if heavy hairstyles are worn frequently. The tension on the scalp from the weight or tightness can lead to discomfort or headaches.

What can you do? Here are some additional details and tips:

1. Loose Hairstyles: Opt for hairstyles that don’t pull your hair too tightly, such as loose braids, ponytails, or buns. This reduces the tension on your scalp and minimises the risk of headaches.

2. Avoid Heavy Accessories: Avoid using heavy hair accessories like large clips, heavy hairpins, or bulky headbands, as they can add extra weight and strain to your scalp.

3. Use Soft Hair Ties: Choose soft, fabric-covered hair ties or scrunchies instead of tight elastic bands, as they are gentler on your hair and scalp.

4. Regular Scalp Massage: Massaging your scalp regularly can help relax the muscles and relieve tension. You can use your fingers or a scalp massager to gently massage your scalp in circular motions.

5. Conditioning Treatments: Deep conditioning treatments can help keep your hair soft and manageable, reducing the need for tight hairstyles to control frizz or flyaways.

6. Trimming: Regular hair trims can help reduce the weight of your hair and prevent it from pulling on your scalp.

7. Consult a Hairstylist: If you frequently experience headaches due to your thick hair, consider consulting a hairstylist who specializes in thick or heavy hair. They can recommend hairstyles and products that are suitable for your hair type and scalp health.

By following these tips and making some adjustments to your hair care routine, you can help alleviate the tension on your scalp and reduce the likelihood of headaches caused by thick hair.

What about thinning out your hair?

Thinning out thick hair can potentially help reduce the weight and tension on the scalp, which may alleviate headaches caused by the hair’s thickness. Thinning out hair involves removing some of the bulk from the hair shafts to make them lighter and more manageable. Here are some considerations regarding thinning out hair and its potential long-term impacts:

1. Reduced Tension: Thinning out thick hair can reduce the strain and tension on the scalp, which may help alleviate headaches and discomfort associated with tight or heavy hairstyles.

2. Improved Styling: Thinning out hair can make it easier to style and manage, as it reduces bulk and makes the hair more flexible.

3. Long-Term Impact: Thinning out hair is generally safe when done by a skilled hairstylist using proper techniques and tools. However, excessive thinning or improper thinning methods can potentially damage the hair follicles and lead to long-term issues such as hair breakage, thinning, or scalp irritation.

4. Regrowth: Thinning out hair does not typically result in permanent hair loss, as the hair follicles remain intact. However, if the thinning process is overly aggressive or if there is underlying damage to the hair follicles, it may affect the regrowth of new hair.

5. Maintenance: Thinning out hair may require regular maintenance to maintain the desired thickness and style. This may involve periodic touch-ups by a hairstylist to trim or thin out regrowth and maintain the desired look.

6. Consultation: Before thinning out your hair, it’s advisable to consult with a professional hairstylist who can assess your hair type, thickness, and desired outcome. They can recommend appropriate thinning techniques and ensure that the process is performed safely to minimize any potential long-term impacts on your hair.

Overall, thinning out thick hair can be a viable option for reducing tension on the scalp and improving manageability, but it’s essential to approach the process with caution and seek guidance from a qualified hairstylist to ensure the best results and minimize any potential risks.

Can Hair Extensions cause headaches

Hair extensions can sometimes cause headaches, particularly if they are installed too tightly or if they are heavy.

Here’s why:

1. Tension on the Scalp: Hair extensions that are installed too tightly can exert excessive pressure on the scalp, leading to discomfort and headaches. This tension can strain the scalp muscles and nerves, causing pain.

2. Weight of the Extensions: Hair extensions, especially those made with heavy materials or attached in large quantities, can add extra weight to your natural hair. The additional weight can pull on your scalp and contribute to headaches, particularly if worn for extended periods. Clinics if worn very long can add up to 150g-200g of hair.

3. Improper Installation: If hair extensions are not installed correctly or if the attachment method is not suitable for your hair type, it can lead to discomfort and headaches. For example, extensions that are sewn or glued too close to the scalp can cause irritation and pain.

4. Sensitivity to Materials: Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to the materials used in hair extensions, such as metal clips, glue, or synthetic fibers. This sensitivity can manifest as scalp irritation, inflammation, and headaches.

5. Poor Quality Extensions: Low-quality hair extensions that are stiff, rough, or prone to tangling can exacerbate scalp discomfort and headaches. They may also cause pulling and tugging on the hair, leading to pain and irritation.

To prevent headaches caused by hair extensions, it’s essential to choose high-quality extensions and have them installed by a skilled and experienced professional.

Additionally, opt for installation methods that minimise tension on the scalp and avoid wearing extensions for prolonged periods without breaks. If you experience persistent headaches or discomfort with your hair extensions, consider removing them and consulting with a hairstylist or healthcare professional for advice.

If thick hair is not the cause of your headaches,

Then other potential factors to consider, such as:

1. Tension or Stress: Stress and tension are common triggers for headaches. Tightness in the neck, shoulders, and scalp muscles can lead to tension headaches
2. Poor Posture: Poor posture, especially when sitting or standing for long periods, can strain the muscles in the neck and shoulders, leading to tension headaches.
3. Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can trigger headaches.
4. Eye Strain: Prolonged use of electronic devices or reading in poor lighting can strain the eyes and lead to tension headaches or eye strain headaches.
5. Caffeine Withdrawal: If you regularly consume caffeine and suddenly decrease your intake, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, including headaches.
6. Sleep Issues: Poor sleep quality or not getting enough sleep can contribute to headaches.
7. Dietary Factors: Certain foods and beverages, such as alcohol, processed foods, or those containing artificial additives, can trigger headaches in some people.
8. Sinus Issues: Sinus congestion or inflammation can cause sinus headaches, which may be mistaken for tension headaches.
9. Weather Changes: Changes in weather or barometric pressure can trigger headaches in some individuals.
10. Medical Conditions: Underlying medical conditions such as migraines, sinus infections, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can also cause headaches.


If you experience frequent or severe headaches, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. They can help diagnose any potential medical conditions and provide guidance on managing and preventing headaches effectively.


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