Tag Archives: assertiveness

I Discovered That The Law of Attraction Cannot Work Effectively Without The Other 11 Universal Laws

Article by Diane Shawe

There is a massive amount of misunderstanding about what the law of attraction is, I have heard the phrase very often “You become what you think about” and as such, many people find themselves becoming disillusioned with the whole thing quite quickly.

Having learned more about what the law of attraction really is allowed me to create changes in my life I never would have thought possible.

And that is why I am so passionate about this particular blog, and clearing up the confusion. It was the key to unlocking all sorts of awesomeness for me, and I want to help others do the same. And on that note, I want to discuss a few issues that have many lamenting that the law of attraction is a load of crap

Again, the law of attraction isn’t just about thinking something and getting it; just wanting something is not enough to bring it to you. You have to be a match to it, and by this I mean, your predominant thoughts, feelings and beliefs must be in harmony with your desire.

There is one concept I had to really get my head around and that was ‘The universe cannot say no’ just stick with me here… If you say out aloud verbally “I want a million pounds” what thought and real feelings came to you inside?

Well that’s the thought and feelings the universe responds too. Its no good repeating or writing something down if your inner self is in doubt because that doubt is the real instructions you are sending to the universe.

You must feel now as if you already have what you wanted — the law of attraction can’t defy your vibration. You can’t trick the Universe. The process of attraction is a neutral, mechanical process, and delivers output (experience) based on the input (your vibration). It is not judging, deciding or doing anything humans do. It can’t deliver the goods because you are a nice person, you really want something or that you are trying really hard to get it.

The whole emphasis on “being positive” can lead people astray and makes them think they are supposed to just stuff down their negative feelings and beliefs. But that isn’t what you should be doing. You have to admit your negative feelings and let yourself feel them so you can begin the process of transforming them. You have to be honest about your limiting beliefs, and then work on releasing them.

I felt inspired go into research The Laws Of The Universe because it is often misunderstood even by me and you cannot develop blind faith if you dont understand all the key components.

I don’t often quote the bible but in Job 38:33, we read:

“Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”

The “ordinances of heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 33:25) or what people call “The Laws Of The Universe” or “The Laws of Nature” are imminent, infallible laws that govern our universe, the universe that God created. Every plant, rock, animal, matter, and person is ruled by those laws.

Universal Law #1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness
Everything is connected to everything and everyone is connected to everyone. We are all brothers and sisters with a divine nature, and every thought, belief, word, and action of one affects every being that was, is, or will be (directly and/or indirectly). I love this law because there is divinity within each of us, and we are of infinite worth to our Heavenly Father, so we must recognise that and have faith.

Universal Law #2 ~ The Law of Vibration
God created the universe so that it vibrates, moves, and travels in circular patterns or motions; nothing rests, and all things are made of energy. Our feelings, emotions, visions, desires, thoughts, dreams, words, and will, attract and resonate with energies with similar frequency.

People often speak of karma only when they want someone punished, but living and feeling that thought in the instance is what the universe delivers so for example, when you bless adversity, and act in gratitude as if you already have and are what you desire, then it will come to you, because you are raising your vibrational frequency. The scriptures often speak about “rejoicing in our tribulations,” because joy attracts joy as much as “misery loves company.”

Universal Law #3 ~ The Law of Action
Faith without works is dead. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do, when you engage in inspired actions that support your faith and belief. This does not mean you need to struggle, but you do put in attention and effort to manifest your intentions. Work is an eternal principle that was designed to teach us, challenge us, and help us grow.

Universal Law #4 ~ The Law of Correspondence
As the years go by, this law becomes more and more obvious to me: everything that is above reflects below, and your outer world reflects your inner world. Universal and ethereal principles have a corresponding principle in the physical plane. Everything that is temporal reflects a higher spiritual, eternal law . You can “take dominion” and change your circumstances from the inside out.

Universal Law #5 ~ The Law of Cause and Effect
Like Master Oogway says “there are no accidents.” Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause (thought, word, or action) has an effect, result, and consequence. We are agents and choose in which direction we go, and with each choice, we create the circumstances that align with that choice. I always say: choices create circumstances!

Universal Law #6 ~ The Law of Compensation
You’ve heard this wisdom in many ways: Karma, The Golden Rule , or “we reap what we sow” .

It also teaches that we could expect rewards, blessings, miracles, and prosperity when we choose what is right and in alignment with our life’s purpose.

For example, when you are the source of love, joy, peace, trust, and abundant generosity, you will also be the recipient of those gifts. It’s not wrong to receive, but clearly, it is better to give cheerfully, because that is the only way to receive, and, in turn, to expand our capacity to give more.

I am always puzzled by the amount of excuses people come up with as to why they shouldn’t give £1 to a begger and think that those excuses are in some way not applied to them by their own inner thoughts from the universe one way or the other.

Universal Law #7 ~ The Law of Attraction
When we ask and have the faith to know it is possible, we are then ready to receive it , and “for as he thinketh in in heart so is he” .

In Matthew 5, Jesus taught that anger and lust are just as homicide and adultery, because our thoughts become things. It sounded crazy then and it may sound crazy now, but entertaining negative, destructive, and self-sabotaging thoughts will bring them to reality as a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” It is not about merely “wishing” or “hoping” or “visualising” things, but being conscious to align our thoughts with the results we desire.

Universal Law #8 ~ The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
I looked up the word transmutation, and it means “the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form.” It’s a transformation and a conversion, because energy is in constant motion . As children of God, we can harness the creative power within us to change our lives.

This law also states that higher vibrational energies consume lower energies. It’s the “Let Go and Let God,” allow, and surrender law. Any fear-based resistance (like control, judgemental or perfectionism ) blocks divine providence and grace from manifesting in our lives.

Universal Law #9 ~ The Law of Relativity
Everything works together for our good . This life is an opportunity to learn, grow, and progress, and every person is given a series of tests, challenges, and situations with the purpose to strengthen them, and connect or draw them closer to our creator. Life happens for you, not to you. Learn to see hardships as stepping stones, rather than stumbling blocks.

This law also teaches to put everything into its right perspective. The nature, value, or quality of something is measured in relation to another object.

For example you can complain about not having the latest designer shoes but think about the person who has no feet!

Universal Law #10 ~ The Law of Polarity
There is opposition in all things. We appreciate light in the darkness, joy in the sorrow, and companionship in solitude. Solid-liquid, hot-cold, up-down, sad-glad, good-bad… everything has an opposite, we can see the difference, and choose for ourselves. Without one the other would not exist and one is created out of the absence of the other.

If something is not working for you, direct your attention to its opposite, and you will be empowered.. in other words, “BE Positive and You’ll BE Powerful!”

If you keep complaining about being broke then broke you will remain. If you focus on the universe surprising you and live in expectation then surprised you will be.

Universal Law #11 ~ The Law of Rhythm
“What comes around goes around, and what goes up must come down.” All energy vibrates and moves according to a certain rhythm. Everything has natural cycles, seasons, patterns, and stages of development. Each cycle is a reflection of the regularity of God’s universe.

To master each rhythm, you must rise above any negative part of the cycle. stay in flow throughout these rhythms of life. I am sure you have heard the following saying “after the storm, at least comes the calm.”

Universal Law #12 ~ The Law of Gender
Also called the Law of Gestation; it states that when we plant a seed (masculine / yang), it requires time and nurturing to grow and manifest (feminine / ying). Patience and persistence are necessary to succeed in any endeavor, and many give up right before the goal is reached. Trust in the universes timing! Which takes you back to universal law 6 and 7

What Difference Do The Universal Laws Make?
The Universal laws help us understand the greatness of the creator, as well as His loving and merciful ways, because, if you think about it, this magnificent order allows us predictability and help us prevent chaos.

Whether we believe so or not, we are creators of our own life. (I prefer to think that we are directors of our own movie.)

We can either direct or be directed, take responsibility or give our power away by living in blame. Our beliefs become our thoughts, if your belief is oppressive, negative or destructive then they govern your thoughts. These, in turn, determine our feelings, triggers the choices which influence our actions, and ultimately the outcomes.

Knowing, understanding, and aligning with the laws of the universe can help you become conscious and intentional about directing your life. We are empowered to create our own reality through our imagination, and not by default, because everything that the creator put in place in this universe works with you and for you.
I have proven this to myself so many times.

Revealed: How Improved Confidence Brings Powerful Success

group of people

Confidence can be your key to success.

Confidence in Life and Networking can be learned.

Article by Diane Shawe Author

If you don’t have any shadows, you’re not standing in the light.
Lady Gaga

1. Learn to USE YOUR INNER DNA confidence

I feel it’s something that is always there, something you’re born with that gets lost along the way, or stolen by others. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it again.
Amy Lee Tempest

 When you were born you did not emerge unsure of your cry or insecure about your umbilical cord. You came out unaware of external judgement, concerned only with your own experience and needs. I’m not suggesting that you should be oblivious to other people. It is just that it may help to remember confidence was your original nature before time started chiselling away at it. When you start feeling unsure of yourself remember: we were all born with confidence, and we can all get it back if we learn to silence the thoughts that threaten it.

2. Success WILL HAPPEN

It might seem strange to say expect success since you can’t predict the future, although according to Peter Drucker, ‘the best way to predict the future is invent it’. Conventional wisdom suggests you should expect the worst because then you won’t be disappointed if you fail and you’ll be pleasantly surprised if you succeed. Research suggests this isn’t universally true; pessimism can undermine your performance creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Find the successes in every day and you will notice over time that they increase.

3. The unknown IS OK

Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what’s gonna happen next: not on a free way  not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs.
Nicole Kidman in Days of Thunder (playing Dr Claire Lewinski)

People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you want. To some extent it does, but this idea is not universally true for everyone. Confidence comes from knowing your competence / skills and acknowledging it’s not solely responsible for creating your world. When you take that weight off your shoulders and realise that sometimes the twists and turns have nothing to do with what you did or should have done, it’s easier to feel confident in what you are trying to achieve. Networking becomes easier and you fear.

4. Learn to receive praise.

It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive. Taking a compliment is an art. Sometimes, it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren’t really skilled—you just got lucky. Occasionally, this may be true, but for the most part you earn the praise you receive. Don’t talk yourself out of believing it. Instead, recycle it into confidence. You did a fantastic job on your project at work-that means you can do it again. You had an amazing performance-that means you can trust you’re talented. Other people want you to succeed; now you just have to believe them when they show you you’re worthy.

5. Practice WILL MAKE YOU MORE confident

The harder you practice, the luckier you get.
Gary Player (Golfer) 1964

Like anything else in life, your confidence will improve with practice. A great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people. Just like if you were the new kid in school, they have no idea who you are—meaning you have an opportunity to show them. As you shake their hand, introduce yourself, and listen to them speak, watch your internal monologue. If you start doubting yourself in your head, replace your thoughts with more confident ones. Ask yourself what a confident person would do, and then try to emulate that. Watch your posture and your tone. Hunching and mumbling will make you feel and look less confident, so stand up and speak slowly and clearly. People are more apt to see you how you want to be seen if they suspect you see yourself that way.

You may have confidence in some areas and not in others; that’s how it works for most of us. Draw from those areas where you’re self-assured. Above all, remember you are talented and have real ability regardless of what mistakes you think you may have made. Start by acknowledging it and it is the first step to believing it in your heart; believing it is the key to living it. Living it is the key to reaching your potential.

Visit amazon for a selection of Diane Shawe Mindfeed books https://www.amazon.co.uk/Diane-Shawe/e/B0052WG8V6