Tag Archives: baldness

What Is Our Hair2Hair Integration System and Why it’s an upgrade to the Mesh Integration Technique

We recognise that hair loss can be very upsetting and cause a lack of confidence, affecting your overall self-esteem. We also know that finding the right solution can be confusing, sometimes disappointing and at a time when you are most vunerable. With this in mind,

Need a Hair Makeover hair extensions and hair loss Specialist Salon is one of a very few salon in the country specialising in a new type of hair integration systems which we call ⊙hair2hair.

As an innovative alternative to wigs, the mesh or random hair pieces the Hair2Hair systems are ideal for clients searching for a semi-permanent hair loss solution.

Designed for those who would like to achieve a natural looking head of hair but cannot have hair extensions fitted.

The hair2hair systems are designed bespoke to meet all your requirements. A custom-made silk based solution which is hypoallergenic and breathable which requires no harsh mesh structures, no pulling or threading your hair, no thick cornrows or further hair or scalp irritating products.

What are the optionoptions to mesh integration
Book a consultation today

Why we use silk.

Silk can be woven to appear translucent, it is strong. Silk helps regulates body temperature, and preserves your body heat in the cold. Silk has impressive moisture properties, keeping you dry and comfortable in any climate all year-round. Silk naturally repels mold & mildew and does not irritate the scalp.

So what can we do with our system?

Clients can go with their natural colour or change completely to highlights, balayage  or a ombre looks.  Achieving a seamless, natural appearance. Natural hair, even when thin and sparse, is not further trumatised by pulling or threading so as to encourage stronger growth and continued scalp treatment if applicable.

When finished, will create the clever illusion of your scalp, light and free moving on your scalp. The system will remain comfortable and feel just the same as your natural hair would, can be washed, curled, straighten or in most casesworn up.

How long does the Hair2Hair System last With?

With adequate care, the human hair can last up to 18 months. There are no limitations when having a system fitted; you can continue to embark on your daily routine, including going to the gym and swimming, without any problems. However, it is always recommended to schedule regular maintenance appointments, just as you would do so with hair extensions or roots touch up, to retighten the hair2hair system, ensuring that results remain seamless.

This system is available for Women and men and may vary in terms of how it is fixed.

Do you need help to disguise your thin, bald patches or damaged hair? Book a consultation today and learn about our non invasive techniques. https://bit.ly/3zODFu1


What are the main benefits of FUE over FUT Hair Transplant Procedures


Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration technique, also known as the strip procedure, where a patient’s hair is transplanted in naturally occurring groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units. Follicular units also contain sebaceous (oil) glands, nerves, a small muscle, and occasional fine vellus hairs. In follicular unit transplantation, these small units allow the surgeon to safely transplant thousands of grafts in a single session, which maximizes the cosmetic impact of the procedure.

Additionally it is recorded that the risk of long term nerve damage, leading to chronic numbness and/or pain in the donor area can be a side effect of the FUT procedure.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a great surgical option for patients who want to restore their hair with minimal discomfort and scarring. FUE is considered by many to be the most refined approach to hair transplantation.

However, with FUE, the follicles are harvested from a much greater area of the donor zone compared to FUT, estimated to be eight times greater than that of traditional strip excision so requires patients to have hairs trimmed in a much larger donor area

FUE provides an alternative to FUT when the scalp is too tight for a strip excision and enables a hair transplant surgeon to harvest finer hair from the nape of the neck to be used at the hairline or for eyebrows.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) generally has a quicker patient recovery time and significantly lower post-operative discomfort than follicular unit transplantation (FUT).

The verdict

The survival of follicular units upon extraction (FUE) from the scalp is one of the key variables of successful hair transplantation. If follicular units are transected in the extraction process, there is a greater likelihood that they will not survive the transplant, and the hair transplant will fail. While FUT procedures using strip-harvesting of follicular units typically guarantees a large number of non-transected follicular units. It really depends on the client and the overall visual outcome they want to achieve as to which technique they use and how deep their pockets are.


However there are some new non evasive hair enhancement toupee in the market place which provide instant gratification and is easy on the pocket.

If you would like to receive a referral or consultation give us a call.

0203 535 6599 for hair enhancement or training courses.
