Pat yourself on the back a little bit more

When it comes to success, are you stuck in the same cycle, or are you ready to move beyond?
Are you ready to move forward – not just a step or two, but a whole level?

Are you ready to leap into a new existence of achievement and power and if so, what does that look like?

Are you ready to leave your old life behind and move right into the life you deserve and if so what would your life looked like?

But if you were so ready, wouldn’t you be there already? Maybe. Maybe not.

Maybe, as much as you long for this dream world, you are also a little scared, a little nervous, or a little
hesitant, you might also be exhausted.

Maybe as much as you say you’re ready, you’re blocking your own way. The good news is, if you’re your own worst enemy, then the only thing standing between you and the life you’ve always imagined is… you! . .

And once you recognise the issues that are holding you back, you can address them, one at a time.
That’s what I hope to help you do in this short blog. I’ll discuss some of the main ways you can achieve
lasting change and progress towards your dreams. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be life-changing – if you are
willing to do the work.

  1. Up” Your Deserve Level
    We can only achieve as much as we think we can.
    Try this little exercise: Stand up and extend your arms out on both sides of your body. Close your
    eyes and, turning at the waist, see how far you can twist to one side without causing yourself bodily
    harm. Open your eyes and make a mental note of where you are pointing behind you. Now, close
    your eyes and imagine yourself going a little farther. Ready, twist! Open your eyes and see if you
    surpassed your previous point. If you’re like most people, you did!

Why didn’t you go further the first time? For the simple reason that you didn’t think you could. Once you
imagined yourself going further, you did. It’s not very complicated!

If you allow others or your mental beliefs to impose limits on your physical stretching, it makes sense that you’lle limit your mental and spiritual achievement, too. So, you need to ask yourself what limits you’re putting on your:

Are you dreaming big enough?

income potential. Are you unnecessarily or purposely limiting your income or salary?
relationships. Do you doubt what you can achieve or deserve in your friendships and family life?
physical health.

Are you accepting less or making excuses other than the best because you think you’re too old or too outof shape?

The first step to changing your boundaries is to “up” your deserve level.

Here are three things that block you from accepting that you deserve the best:

1. Envy.

Envy is the result of a scarcity or lack mindset. You think that if someone else gets something – a
great job, a new car, a book deal – that you can’t have it, too.

That is not the way the universe works. Just because someone else gets something doesn’t mean no one else can’t as well. even Angelina Jones has been married more than once! Realise that whatever anyone else in this world has – from a great career to a great family to a great body – you can have it, too.

Live your life to the full

Use their example to inspire, rather than depress you.

2. Fear.

Fear is one of the greatest demotivators. It’s hard to feel limitless and powerful when you’re shaking in your shoes! It’s natural to feel scared of breaking outside your normal boundaries, but remind yourself that all growth takes place outside your comfort zone.

To grow, you must push your own limits, by definition. get comfortable with discomfort – see it as a sign of growth, much like aching muscles indicate you worked out hard and are getting stronger and leaner.

3. Laziness.

We tend to get used to where we are and decide that it’s good enough because we don’t really want to have to work harder. Time for a harsh truth: There are different types of laziness such as mental, emotional, physical and spiritual liziness.

If you want an extraordinary life, you’re going to have to go to some out-of-the-ordinary measures. That means pushing yourself, challenging yourself, coaching yourself, whatever it takes to motivate you to move beyond
“average.” Not that there is anything wrong with average.

Moving upward and onward starts with believing you deserve to have more and be more. It’s essential to
own your dreams – and dream big, But it’s also imperative to live in the now and appreciate each experience, each gift and your blessings.

Allow No Excuses

In the immortal words of one of the greatest philosophers of our generation:

Do or Do Not: There is no Try.


Your body doesn’t care that you were going to eat the right foods and go to the gym, but it was your

Your social media agent doesn’t care that you were going to finish that last chapter, but you was just too exhausted.

You do it, or you don’t. There are no points to trying. Once you accept that, you can move out of the victim
mentality you begin to realise that it really is all up to you!

The other thing you can be sure of is that 99.9 percent of people don’t really care if you succeed or not.

Whether you finish your novel, run the triathlon, start your business or your still holding onto a grudge – they’re going on about their life, without much regard to you and your goals. . .

It’s All up to you

What it really comes down to is that it’s all up to you, and it’s all about you. That’s a little scary, but it’s
also very empowering. That means once you make up your mind, no one can hold you back.

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